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Thursday 12 March 2020

And...we're back!

Wow. 7+ years since the I last posted. 10+ years since my last mass email "Christmas Newsletter" (which I never would publish in time for Christmas - but I was being ironic of course). An unsent opus sitting in my Google Drive folder from July 2013. Two zero birthdays down. Something's not working here. It's time for a reboot. It's time for Benson Wallace 2.0.

Rather than trying to write half a book once a year, I thought, maybe it's time to finally jump on the blogging bandwagon. Yes, I know the Blogger platform is so "2000s", but hey, so am I :-)

Starting from today, I will publish something at least once per week. It might not be a travel story, and it might only be a few paragraphs, but the point is to force myself to write something non-work related at least once per week, to get those creative juices flowing again.

I anticipate posts being a mixture of past and present expat life/travel adventures, and musings/insights on various topics that I'm into such as living abroad, minimalism and financial freedom, STEM education, science popularisation and critical/skeptical thinking, personal efficacy and self-improvement, and the meaning of life in general.

Let me know if there's something you'd like to see me write about, and please do remind me if I forget to post - I need my friends and family to keep me accountable (although it's in my Google Goals mix now - write a blog post, once a week - so it's gonna happen)!

Talk soon,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Benson
    Kerry here from 2009 SSPU. Great to hear from you. I’ve been to Mynamar too. Great country. Look forward to your muse.
